Thursday, 12 April 2012

Saying Bye to the Blog

This is the last blog post I will ever write for the class Ales 204. Looking back at all my past blog posts has me feeling a bit sentimental, thinking back to all the different activities we did. What struck me the most about this class is how much it was focused on thinking critically and the effect social media can have on the lives of students. In Ales 204 I discovered there are many different uses for social media and that instead of just writing them off as useless, or only looking at the negative, it is important to see how you can incorporate them into your life to make it easier. Just because there are applications to technology that are not very useful does not prevent there from also being useful applications. For example, the thought of employers typing your name into Google and finding every tweet and Facebook message you've ever written is scary right? But there is nothing preventing people from putting positive aspects online too.

In her blog Shannon Wilson talks about how important it is for people to realise the negative aspects associated with social media. This is very true, the Internet is world wide and it is vital that one uses the utmost of caution when posting things online. Posting inappropriate messages or photos online could be detrimental to ones reputation and harm their future employment opportunities. You never knows when a tweet, Facebook post or photo from the past could come back to haunt you. Like Wilson says, anyone using social media should use the utmost caution. Figure 1 is a photo of a Facebook status someone posted insulting their boss and their job. Apparently this person had their boss as their Facebook friend and was fired over Facebook. This can serve as a reminder to us all to use caution when posting things on the Internet and to keep it professional at all times.

Figure 1. Fired on facebook.
From Funny Facebook Pages by admin. 2010.
 Copyright 2010 by

Despite the potentially negative aspects associated with social media there can be many positive aspects as well. Use of social media can provide users with the ability to give potential employers a positive, good review of them. A useful tool I learned in Ales204 is making a web page all about you, for the purpose of giving potential employers somewhere to look you up, and see who you are and what you've done, in an environment you personally can control and regulate. Linkedin is another social media site that allows users to display their professional attributes online in a positive manner. It allows users to connect with business professionals in their field. This can be instrumental in allowing users to find jobs and develop business contacts. Facebook pages are yet another tool we covered in class that allows users to create a professional, positive and informative page of themselves online. According to an article by Johnny Russo 28% of Canadian employers use social networking sites to research job candidates, and 14% of employers report having been positively influenced by their research on social networking sites. This means that everyone has an opportunity to give potential employers a positive, professional impression without even meeting them. It is important to take advantage of these opportunities. Candidates for jobs can set themselves ahead and apart from the pack by having professional positive accounts of themselves online, accessible to potential employers.

Looking back at this course, the most important, reoccurring theme was how to use social media correctly, to ones own advantage. For some, social media may be just a way to waste time, but anyone who has taken Ales 204 realises that is can be so much more. Social media provides people with the opportunity to become informed of current events, to follow professionals in your areas of interest, to get in contact with professionals in your area, to network and to give people a positive impression of yourself.

Over the course of the year I commented on Marisa's, Nicole's, Dani's, Emily's and Shannon's blogs.

Wilson, Shannon. (2012, March 12).  Social media: it's not all fun and games. Retrieved April
           12, 2012 from

Russo, J. (2012). Job-searching, social-networking Canadians. BC jobs online inc. Retrieved
          April 12, 2012 from